The Orthodoxs
Protective Edge
Nero Pakistan
Fast Track West Bank
Copyright © by Marco Bottelli
- 2010 - 2011 -
For the past few years Pakistan is suffering a social and political troubled situation that is making the future of the country unstable. The government is weak, people are poor and still asking for help. Many young people are jobless and without hope for the future. Religious minorities are often targeted by jihadists and suicide attacks are still a major problem for civilians and police.
In the North-West of the country the "war against terrorism" is still going on. Pakistan is more a broken state than a true nation and Islam is the only thing keeping all these ethnic groups together. Sad examples are the "target killings" in Karachi where two opposite political parties, ANP (pasthun) and MQM (urdu speaking), are still fighting, causing a lot of violence and death.
In every corner of the country there is an atmosphere of uncertainty. Nobody knows the future and people are just reacting to protect their own existence.